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· “I know how to take care of what belongs to me” God ·

Some of the simplest truths are the most comforting medications to a troubled soul. The more we embrace the absolute sovereignty of God, the sweeter His truths become. An earthly father may yearn to give all the best things in life to his child, but only the author of the universe, who rules and reigns and is Lord of all, can deliver His heart’s desire to his children.

The Delight of The Cross

· Death Bringing Life ·

Jesus also told us in Luke 9:24 that we must not be protective of this life; which I consider to be the life of the flesh with all its worldly aspirations. If we try to save any tradition or opinion that is contrary to Christ, then we shall lose the life that Christ gives; eternal life. Our willingness to let go of what is temporal will gain for us that which is eternal.


· Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. ·

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Psalm 34:8.
The Psalmist is inviting us to taste and see, these are two natural senses, we are being called into a much deeper experience of the goodness of God. Tasting and seeing is so much more than anything academic or any head knowledge. I contend that we can have perfect theology, but theology does not save us; we must taste Christ.