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· “I know how to take care of what belongs to me” God ·

May, 08, 2020

Some of the simplest truths are the most comforting medications to a troubled soul.  The more we embrace the absolute sovereignty of God, the sweeter His truths become.  An earthly father may yearn to give all the best things in life to his child, but only the author of the universe, who rules and reigns and is Lord of all, can deliver His heart’s desire to his children. 

He who walked out on nothing and formed all that is seen and unseen by his mere word now tells those that belongs to him, “I know how to take care of you, I know what you need” (Matthew 6:32).


It was an ordinary day in Kingston Jamaica when I was in the process of picking up George and Stephanie from daycare and nursery school.  George, two years old, was the first to be collected before his sister who was about 45 mins later.  So as many times as in the past, I took George to purchase lunch so that he could eat in the car while we waited. 

The lunch today was a Jamaican beef patty, a favorite of the children.  As I parked in the school yard, George excitedly asked for his patty.  I told him that the patty was too hot and that he needs to wait until it cooled.  Then almost immediately, I saw a hungry little George bow his head, close his eyes tightly, clasp his hands and make a desperate prayer, “Please Lord, please cool my patty.”

This brought tears to my eyes; I was so happy to see him spontaneously pray to the Lord for his request.  So as to help his prayer, I added my silent prayer, “Please Lord would you cool off the patty for George to help him believe in you.”

It was then that I heard so clearly a response in my heart, “I know how to take care of what belongs to me.”

Up on hearing this in my spirit, I immediately repented realizing that I was telling God how to do his job.  I saw the ghastly error of ever thinking that He was deaf to the prayer of a two-year-old praying in earnest, especially when we are told that we must be like little children to even enter His Kingdom (Mark 10:15).

I was astonished to see how easy it was for me, a Christian well-meaning mother, to fall into the trap of such spiritual arrogance.  My face and heart smiled as I took my heavenly rebuke and considered the sweetness of belonging to the family of God.


He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32

God paid the ultimate price to purchase our salvation, He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe would be eternally saved (John 3:16).  It is therefore, very understandable, that if He would have given His Son, giving us our daily needs is a small thing. 

Today in the 2020 Pandemic, with my children in four different cities, I can rest on God caring for us as a good Shepherd cares for his sheep.  My only prayer now is that my children will walk in that same childlike faith and look to their heavenly Father for all that they need.   


George is now 33 years old; he has two sons of his own with a daughter on the way.  I thought years ago that what he needed was a miraculous cooling of a tasty hot patty, but our heavenly Father may have thought it was more important for him to learn patience. 

Today as all of us wait for our lives to find some type of normal, we pray for miraculous breakthroughs in medicine or a disappearance of COVID 19 altogether, but again maybe our heavenly father sees that it is more important for us to learn patience. 

… but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; Romans 5:3 KJV

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.  But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing.  James 1:3-4 KJV

We that belong to Him and trust in Jesus are now being forced to learn patience and contentment in having less in this lock-down life.  Our heavenly Father always knows what we need. 


Father God, I pray for all those adults who once walked in childlike faith, those adults who were raised in the truth of your word but have departed to their own ways.  I pray that you would grant outpourings of grace to help them turn from their own understandings and acknowledge you again. 

Please Lord, save those who were never really regenerated by your Spirit, and help the prodigals to return, repent and believe again.  I am thankful that you are a mighty God who knows how to save, you are the masterful and omnipotent God, you do all things well; so, I am confident that you know how to rescue those who have strayed and are lost. 

Lord, you are a good shepherd and you know what we have need of, please use this Pandemic to help prodigals return home and strengthen your children that we may learn the secret of being content in our present circumstances.  All for the glory of your name.

In Jesus name I pray.


1 Comment

  1. Tina Sirgany

    May 10, 2020

    Amen, Praise be to God. This is beautiful and such encouragement for my soul. A wonderful read for My Mother’s Day morning.
    God is faithful.

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